Geoffrey Boucicaut

Geoffrey Boucicaut

Geoffrey Boucicaut, brother of the illustrious marshal of France Jean le Maingre, and his army occupied Avignon in 1398 and started a five year blockage and siege of the Palais des Papes where the Avignon Pope Benedict XIII, Pedro de Luna, was ensconced, which ended when Pedro managed to escape from Avignon on 12 March 1403 and seek shelter in territory belonging to Louis II of Anjou.


* Anonymous, "Le Livre des faits du bon messire Jehan le Maingre, dit Boucicaut. maréschal de France et gouverneur de Jennes"
* Lalande, Denis: Jean II le Meingre, dit Boucicaut: (1366 - 1421) - étude d'une biographie héroïque, Genève 1988.
* Châtelet, Albert: L' âge d'or du manuscrit à peintures en France au temps de Charles VI et les heures du Maréchal Boucicaut, Dijon 2000.

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