Alessio Ascalesi

Alessio Ascalesi

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Alessio Cardinal Ascalesi
dipstyle=His Eminence
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Alessio Cardinal Ascalesi (22 October 1872 - 11 May 1952) was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and was former Archbishop of Naples.

Ascalesi was born in Casalnuovo, Italy. He joined the priesthood and entered the Seminary of Spoleto. He was ordained on 8 June 1895. He joined the Congregation of the Most Precious Blood. He worked as a priest in the diocese of Spoleto from 1895 until 1909, doing pastoral work.


Pope Pius X appointed him Bishop of Muro Lucano on 29 April 1909. He was transferred to see of Sant'Agata dei Goti on 19 June 1911. He was promoted to the metropolitan see of Benevento in 1915.


He was created and proclaimed Cardinal-Priest of "San Callisto" by Pope Benedict XV in the consistory of December 4 1916. He participated in the conclave of 1922 that elected Pope Pius XI. Pope Pius transferred him to the metropolitan see of Naples on 7 March 1924. He also participated in the conclave of 1939 that elected Pope Pius XII. In died in office, in 1952.

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