

:Chika is referred to as "Boy B" or simply "B" ("B-san"), titles which greatly irritates him, after surviving an accident with Shito, known as "Boy-A", six months prior to the start of the series. His attitude is rather lively, but he is also short-tempered; he is often seen beating Michiru for her various failures. He begins to have feelings for Michiru.

: Chika and Shito switch right hands, due to the fact that when they were revived, their right hands were attached to the other one. With Shito's right hand, which is actually Chika's original right hand, Chika has the ability to generate a katana possessing Shinigami abilities. With the katana, Chika is able to perform spiritual memorials for zombies they defeat. Though often seen with a short temper, Chika has a genuine care for those he defeats and often performs their memorial with great sympathy. Though they have free will and emotions, both Chika and Shito are still considered zombies, so their ultimate goal is to regain their lives once again.

;cite web|url=http://www.zombie-loan.com/staff.html|title=Official Zombie-Loan Website - Staff section|accessdate=2007-07-12]
**Performance and lyrics: The Birthday
**Composition: nihongo|Yusuke Chiba|チバユウスケ| Chiba Yūsuke

;Ending theme
*nihongo|"Chain Ring"|チェインリング| Chain Ringu
**Performance and lyrics: Mucc
**Composition: nihongo|SatoChi|SATOち|Satochi


External links

* [http://www.zombie-loan.com/ Official ZOMBIE-LOAN Site] ja
*ann manga|id=4667|title=Zombie-Loan
*ann anime|id=7825|title=Zombie-Loan

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