Hugues Lancelot de Lusignan

Hugues Lancelot de Lusignan

Hugh Lancelot of Lusignan or Hugues or Hughues Lancelot de Lusignan [Also known as Hugh of Lusignan, Ugo di Lusignano, Ugone di Lusignano, Lisinhac.] (died August, 1442) was a Greek Cardinal [From 1426, [] , with the title of Sant'Adriano al Foro; Bishop of Palestrina (1431-1436), Bishop of Frascati (1436-1442)] , often known as the Cardinal of Cyprus.

He was Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem 1424, and Archbishop of Nicosia. He was Regent during the captivity of his brother, Janus of Cyprus.

He attended the Council of Basel, and became a supporter of antipope Felix V (Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy) [ [ The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Papal elections - XV Century ] ] . As an envoy from the Council and, he presided in 1435 over the Congress of Arras, with Cardinal Niccolò Albergati, the papal legate [ [] , [] , [] from Enguerrand de Monstrelet.] .

He died at Geneva in August, 1442.


His father was James I of Cyprus. His niece, Anne of Lusignan, married Louis, Duke of Savoy, son of Amadeus VIII. [ [ Poitou 3 ] ]


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* [ Biography]

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