Verin (Dungeons & Dragons)

Verin (Dungeons & Dragons)

D&D Deity

title=The Voice of Graz'zt
power=Demon lord
alignment=Chaotic Evil
alias=Vuron, Ztefano

In the "Dungeons & Dragons" roleplaying game, Verin is a demon lord. He is called the Voice of Graz'zt, and serves the demon lord as an adivsor and right-hand.

Publishing history

The demon lord Verin has his origins in Gary Gygax's Gord novels. In "Sea of Death", "Come Endless Darkness", and "Dance of Demons", Graz'zt is served by a demon lord named Vuron, who is as hyper-intelligent as he was evil. Vuron's patience and forethought contributes to Graz'zt's success, and he is thus regarded as unlike any of the other demons of the Abyss.

Vuron was equated by fans of the game with Verin, who in turn, was one of the many demon lords listed in the first edition "Monster Manual II". In the "Planescape" supplement "", Verin has been canonically and officially designated as a demon lord who serves Graz'zt.

Upon the publishing of "" in the game's third edition, Verin is the so-called Voice of Graz'zt.


Verin appears as a tall, albino, androgynous figure. Most who encounter him would not think him a demon if it wasn't for the fact that he "oozes spiritual slime". Verin also has a second form, as dark as his original form is white, and goes under the name Ztefano. Late in the adventure "For Duty and Deity", Verin appears as a dark-skinned cambion who can take the form of a male marilith.

Creative origins

The name Verin itself comes from a demon of the the same, first recorded in 1612 by Sebastien Michaelis, also spelled Verrine.


*Donovan, Dale. "For Duty and Deity" (TSR, 1998).
*Gygax, Gary. "Come Endless Darkness" (New Infinities, 1988).
**Gygax, Gary. "Dance of Demons" (New Infinities, 1988).
**Gygax, Gary. "Monster Manual II" (TSR, 1983).
**Gygax, Gary. "Sea of Death" (New Infinities, 1987).
*Jacobs, James, Erik Mona, and Ed Stark. "" (Wizards of the Coast, 2006).
*McComb, Colin. "" (Wizards of the Coast, 1997).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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