Tulsi Comics

Tulsi Comics

Brief History

Tulsi Comics was an Indian Comics Publication in the late 80s and early 90s. It was the comic devision of Tulsi Pocket Books, a popular publishers of Hindi novels in India. Though backed by an established and vast customer base of the novel, Tulsi comics never achieved high success as they lacked in quality and were not up to the standards of Diamond Comics, Raj Comics or Manoj Comics, and finally shut down.


Tulsi Comics were published monthly. The number of comics published every month varied from 6 to 10 (sometimes 1 or 2 digest are also published as special issues).

Head Office

The Head Office of the Tulsi Pocket Books is - Tulsi Pocket BooksDelhi RoadMerath - 250 002


* Tausi
* Jamboo
* Angara
* Yosho
* Yoga
* Baaj
* Other than the regular characters - Tulsi Comics published the comics based on Kings-Queens, Prince-Princess, Demons-Dragons-Ghosts and moral values. Due to the lack of original characters, more than half of the total comics published by the company fall in this broad category.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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