Wilson S. Hill

Wilson S. Hill

Wilson HillWilson Hill is situated on sayadri mountain range in Dharampur taluka of Gujarat in India it is a beautiful platformat a height of 2500ft above sea level. The name Wilson Hill is after the Governor of Mumbai lord Wilson . Wilson Hill was a favourit place for Hunting camp for the King Vijay Devji the last king of Dharampur .Wilson hill was declared as an offical Hillstation by lord Wilson and King Vijay Devji in the year 1927 but they could not develop this place because of some reason. In the year 2005 a person named ASHISH BIRENDRA SHARMA came to this place an he liked this place and decided to develop it as a Tourist Point he worked hard and he also got support from the government of Gujarat and he has right now started a Restaurant with indoor amusment , he is soon developing beautiful cottages for night stay over here .Ashish Birendra sharma is Adventuros by nature and he is soon starting an Wilson Highland Adventure club in which they will be having many activites like Paragliding, Hiking, Terrking, camping , Bungee jumping , Rafting etc.people loving adventure are most welcome to jont this club.

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