- Pastebin.ca
[http://pastebin.ca/ pastebin.ca] is a free, public
pastebin written from scratch by . The project started in June 2004 as an improved and customized version of the pastebin for theAsterisk PBX channel on theFreenode IRC network. From there, it has grown into one of the largest actively developed public pastebins available.History
When this
pastebin first began, it was designed to provide highlighting solely for theAsterisk PBX configuration and extension formats. Shortly after it began, the number of supported formats increased rapidly as user demand grew very quickly.The code for pastebin.ca was originally made
open source , but after it grew into a behemoth of a software package that was unmanageable for most people, it has become a non-published code base. This spawned a new project, [http://codebin.ca codebin.ca] , which is the open source and public branch of the pastebin.ca code.Features
Among the features which make this pastebin unique include the advanced multi-level caching system using
Memcached ,filesystem based caching and customizedPostgreSQL cache mechanisms. This allows it to scale with multiple sub domains and users with little database overhead.It has been translated into two other languages besides English: French and German.
Pastebin.ca is written in
PHP and uses theGeSHi highlighting software to provide the text formatting of each paste and thePostgreSQL database backend.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.