Amar Es

Amar Es

Infobox Album | Name = Amar Es
Type = Album
Artist = Cristian Castro

Released = September 23, 2003
Genre = Pop, Latin Pop
Length =
Recorded =
Label = RCA International
Producer =
Reviews =
Last album = Azul (2001)
This album = Amar Es (2003)
Next album = Hoy Quiero Soñar (2004)

In an attempt to do crossovers from around the world, Cristian Castro released the album Amar Es in 2003. For example, "Why", is Cristian's attempt in the English market. Meanwhile, "No Hace Falta", combines Japanese pop with Latin pop. Overall, he still sings as an original pop singer especially with "Te Llamé", which became a number hit for the album.

Track listing

#Este Loco Que Te Mira (This Crazy Man That Looks At You)
#Si Yo Fuera El (If I Was Him)
#Solo Pienso En Ti (I Only Think Of You)
#Gallito Feliz (Rock version) (Happy Rooster)
#No Hace Falta (I Don't Have To)
#Oración Caribe (Caribbean Prayer)
#Entre Los Andes (Amongst The Andes)
#Te Llamé (I Called You)
#Mujer de Dos Caras (Woman Of Two Faces)
#Gallito Feliz (Cumbia version)

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