Irina Antonova

Irina Antonova

Irina Aleksandrovna Antonova ( _ru. "Ирина Александровна Антонова") (born 20 March 1922, Moscow) has been Director of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow since 1961, making her the oldest director of a major art museum in the world. Among her many awards and decorations are the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

Antonova studied under Boris Vipper at the Moscow University, graduating in 1945. Later that year she joined the staff of the Pushkin Museum, where she has worked ever since. In February 1961 Nikita Khrushchev put her in charge of the museum.

Antonova witnessed as the entire collection of the Dresden Gallery arrived to the museum from Germany in 1945 and was removed from it ten years later. She opposed the return of the collection to Germany, claiming it was a just compensation for the damage inflicted on Russia's cultural heritage by the German invaders. The museum still holds Priam's Treasure, looted by the Red Army after the Battle of Berlin.

Antonova's interests revolve around Impressionist and Modern art. In 1948, the Pushkin Museum acquired considerable holdings of these works from the nationalized collections of Sergei Shchukin and Ivan Morozov. Antonova was also instrumental in establishing "Svyatoslav Richter's December nights", an international music festival that has been held in the museum since 1981.


*ru icon [ "Irina Antonova Celebrates Her 85th Birthday"]
*ru icon [ Interview in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta]

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