Tommaso Pio Boggiani

Tommaso Pio Boggiani

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Tommaso Cardinal Boggiani
dipstyle=His Eminence
offstyle=Your Eminence
See=Porto e Santa Rufina (suburbicarian see)|

Tommaso Pio Cardinal Boggiani O.P. (19 January 1863 - 26 February 1942) was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and was former Archbishop of Genoa.

Pio Boggiani was born in Boscomarengo, Alessandria, Italy. He joined the Dominicans on 15 September 1879. He changed his baptismal name from Pio to Tommaso. He was ordained and went to work as a missionary in Constantinople. He was elected Prior of the Dominican convent at Ragusa in 1891. He served as Pastor of the parish of S. Maria di Castello, Genoa for 1900 but was transferred to be a faculty member of the Seminary of Genoa. In 1908 he was appointed Apostolic administrator of Adria.


Pope Pius X appointed him bishop of Adria e Rovigo on 31 October 1908. He was consecrated on 22 November 1908 by Rafael Merry del Val, who was at that time Cardinal Secretary of State. He was transferred to be the titular Archbishop of "Edessa di Osröene" on 9 January 1912 and was named apostolic delegate to Mexico the next day. He was appointed Apostolic administrator of Archdiocese of Genoa on March 7 1914. He served as Secretary of conclave of 1914 that elected Pope Benedict XV.


Pope Bendict created him Cardinal-Priest of "Santi Quirico e Giulitta" in the consistory of December 4 1916. He was appointed as Archbishop of Genoa on 10 March 1919. He resigned pastoral government of the archdiocese in 1921. He participated in the conclave of 1922 that elected Pope Pius XI. He was elected to the order of Cardinal Bishops, taking the suburbicarian see of Porto e Santa Rufina on July 15 1929. He took part in the conclave of 1939 that elected Pope Pius XII. He died in 1942.

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