HD 136118 b

HD 136118 b

Planetbox begin
name = HD 136118 b
Planetbox star
star = HD 136118
constell = Serpens
RA = RA|15|18|55.4719
DEC = DEC|–01|35|32.590
dist_ly = 171
dist_pc = 52.3
class = F9V
Planetbox orbit
semimajor = 2.3
semimajor_gigameter = 340
periastron = 1.4
periastron_gigameter = 210
apastron = 3.2
apastron_gigameter = 470
eccentricity = 0.37 ± 0.025
period = 1209 ± 24
period_year = 3.310
period_megasecond = 104.5
speed = 21
ang_dist = 44
long_peri = 315 ± 4.5
t_peri = 2451800.6 ± 36.6
semi-amp = 212.8 ± 5.8
Planetbox character
mass = >11.9
radius = ~0.887
density = ~22600
gravity_earth = ~39.9
gravity = ~392
temperature = ~231
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date = February 7, 2002
discoverers = Fischer "et al"
discovery_site = flagicon|United States California
discovery_method = Doppler Spectroscopy
discovery_status = Published
Planetbox catalog
names = HIP 74948 b

HD 136118 b is a massive extrasolar planet located approximately 171 light-years away in the constellation of Serpens Cauda. This planet has minimum mass of 11.9 times that of Jupiter. Due to its high mass the planet is likely to be very hot and possibly glowing faintly. The lower limit on its mass is only slightly less than the deuterium-burning threshold that some astronomers use to distinguish between planets and brown dwarfs. Depending on the inclination of its orbit, the true mass could be above this limit. The orbit of the planet is located at the average distance of 2.3 astronomical units from the parent star, taking 40 months to complete one eccentric orbit.

Its inclination and thereby true mass is being calculated via astrometry with Hubble. The astrometricians expect publication by mid 2009. [cite arXiv | title=HST FGS astrometry - the value of fractional millisecond of arc precision | author=G. Fritz Benedict, Barbara E. McArthur, and Jacob L. Bean |class=astro-ph |eprint=0803.0296v1 ]


* ( [http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/astro-ph/0607493 web Preprint] )

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