

Taganrog ( _ru. Таганро́г, IPA2|təgʌnˈrok) is a seaport city in Rostov Oblast, Russia, located on the north shore of Taganrog Bay (Sea of Azov), a few miles west ot the mouth of the River Don. Population: 279,000 (2005 est.);Fact|date=May 2008 ru-census|p2002=281947|p1989=291622.

The first Russian Navy base, Taganrog was officially founded by Peter I The Great on September 12, 1698.

History of Taganrog

Views of Taganrog

Landmarks and tourist attractions

*Peter the Great Monument
*Taganrog Theater named after Anton Chekhov
*Alferaki Palace
*Taganrog Museum of Art
*Alexander I Palace
*Chekhov Gymnasium
*Mariinskaya Gymnasium
*Anatoly Durov-museum
*Chekhov Library
*Chekhov Shop
*Depaldo stone stairs
*City bar
*Garibaldi Monument in Taganrog
*Birthhouse of Anton Chekhov
*Chekhov Monument in Taganrog
*Alexander I Statue in Taganrog
*Alexandrovskiye Trade Rows

Taganrog in literature and popular culture

The image of the city and its people is featured in numerous Anton Chekhov works, including "Ionych", "The House with an Attic", "The Man in a Shell", "Van'ka", "Three Years", "Mask", "My Life" and more. It is believed that Taganrog image may be used as "Lukomorie" (fairy tale land) in Alexander Pushkin's "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1820). It also appeared in the novels of Ivan Vasilenko, Konstantin Paustovsky and in the poems of Nikolay Sherbina and Valentin Parnakh.

In 1984, the city was mentioned in the Mashina Vremeni song "Razgovor v Poezde" ("Conversation in the Train"). In 2006, the city was mentioned in the Aquarium (group)'s song "The Meaning of All Existing Things" ("O Smisle Vsego Sushevo") from the album "Bespechniy Russkiy Brodyaga"("Carefree Russian Wanderer").

Notable people

Numerous Russian and international aristocrats, politicians, artists, and scientists were born and/or have lived in Taganrog. Taganrog is the native city of Anton Chekhov, Faina Ranevskaya, Sophia Parnok, Alexandre Koyré and Dmitri Sinodi-Popov; names of Russian emperors Peter I of Russia and Alexander I of Russia; Cornelius Cruys, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Paustovsky, Nestor Kukolnik, Achilles Alferaki, Ioannis Varvakis, Sergei Bondarchuk and many other famous people are brought in mind when Taganrog is named.
Roman Zver, the lead singer of Zveri, a popular band, is from Taganrog.


The city of Taganrog is the leading industrial center of the Rostov Oblast. Local industry is presented by aerospace, machine-building, automobile, military, iron and steel industry, engineering, metal traders and processors, timber, woodwork, pulp and paper, food, light, chemical and industry of construction materials, and one of the major ports of the Azov Sea.

The area around Taganrog has a large industrial potential, a diversified agricultural industry, production plants and a modern infrastructure. The location of Taganrog on the intersection of traffic routes and the seaport facilitate access to the emerging CIS markets.

Taganrog's main trading partners are: CIS countries, South Korea, Turkey, Italy, Greece and Egypt.


*Artisanal pasta named "Pasta Latini Taganrog Selection" is produced in Osimo, Italy. Originally brought from Russia in 19th century, it was the grain of preference for the artisanal pasta makers of the past.

=Sister cities=
*flagicon|Bulgaria Cherven Bryag, Bulgaria (the first one, since 1963)
*flagicon|Netherlands Vlissingen, Netherlands (since 1989)
*flagicon|Germany Lüdenscheid, Germany (since 1991)
*flagicon|Cyprus Famagusta ("Ammochostos"), Cyprus (since 2000)
*flagicon|Ukraine Mariupol', Ukraine
*flagicon|Germany Badenweiler, Germany (since 2002)

ee also

*List of People in Taganrog
*History of Taganrog
*Anton Chekhov
*Peter the Great
*Alexander I of Russia
*Governors of Taganrog

=External links=

*en icon [http://www.taganrogcity.com Official website of Taganrog]
*ru icon [http://www.taganrog.ru Official website of Taganrog]
* [http://sunsite.berkeley.edu:8085/x-ussr/100k/L-37-030.jpgSoviet topographic map 1:100,000]
*en icon [http://eng.russ-yug.ru/weather/taganrog/ Weather forecast for Taganrog]
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=taganrog,+russia&ll=47.236355,38.915977&spn=0.160378,0.432587&t=k Satellite picture by Google Maps] Cities and towns in Rostov Oblast

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