

Veitch is a surname, and may refer to:

* Arthur Veitch (1844 – 1880), horticulturist
* Bill Veitch (1870 – 1961), New Zealand politician
* Champion Doug Veitch (born 1960), Scottish musician and songwriter
* Colin Veitch (1881 – 1938), England and Newcastle United footballer
* Darren Veitch (born 1960), Canadian hockey player
* Edward W. Veitch, American mathematician
* Harry James Veitch (1840 – 1924), horticulturist
* Heather Veitch, American stripper
* James Veitch (1792 – 1863), horticulturist
* James Veitch, Jr. (1815 – 1869), horticulturist
* James Herbert Veitch (1868 – 1907), horticulturist
* Joel Veitch, English web animator
* John Veitch (horticulturist) (1752 – 1839), founder of Veitch Nurseries
* John Veitch (1829 – 1894), Scottish poet, philosopher, and historian
* John Gould Veitch (1839 – 1870), horticulturist
* John Veitch (footballer) (1869 – 1914), England and Corinthian footballer
* John M. Veitch (born 1945), American horse trainer
* John M. Veitch (professor), professor of economics and financial analysis at the University of San Francisco
* Kristin Veitch (born 1975), TV columnist
* Michael Veitch (born 1962), Australian comedian
* Mildred Veitch (1889 – 1971), horticulturist
* Rick Veitch, American comic book artist and writer
* Peter Veitch (1850 – 1929), horticulturist
* Robert Veitch (1823 – 1855), horticulturist
* Sarah Veitch, British writer
* Sylvester Veitch (1910 – 1996), horse trainer
* Tom Veitch, American comic book artist and writer
* Tony Veitch, New Zealand broadcaster

ee also

* Veitch Nurseries
* Vetch

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  • Veitch — ist der Name folgender Personen: Edward W. Veitch (* 1924), US amerikanischer Mathematiker William Andrew Veitch (1870–1961), neuseeländischer Gewerkschafter und Politiker, (auch als Bill Veitch bekannt) der Familiendynastie Veitch: John Veitch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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