Semiphoras and Schemhamphorash

Semiphoras and Schemhamphorash

"Semiphoras und Shemhamphoras Salominis" is the title of a 1686 occult book attributed to King Solomon printed by Andreas Luppius. Its text cannot be traced to an earlier date, but it is possible that it is of late medieval origin, the title being mentioned among grimoires by earlier authors such as Johannes Hartlieb.

The title is probably a corruption of the Kabbalist term "shem hammephorash" "the distinctive excellent name", viz., the divine name YHWH.

The text is a mish-mash of material derived from Agrippa, pseudo-Agrippa, Jewish magic and the so-called Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses."The Seven Semiphoras of Adam" and the "The Seven Semiphoras ofMoses" closely match book 7 of the "Liber Salomonis". It was edited by Johann Scheible in 1846.

ee also

*Arbatel de magia veterum
*Renaissance magic

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