Certified Software Tester

Certified Software Tester

The Certified Software Tester (CSTE) certification is intended to establish standards for initial qualification and provide direction for the testing function through an aggressive educational program. Acquiring the designation of Certified Software Tester (CSTE) indicates a professional level of competence in the principles and practices of quality control in the IT profession. CSTEs become members of a recognized professional group and receive recognition of their competence by business and professional associates, potentially more rapid career advancement, and greater acceptance in the role as advisor to management.


A completed Certification Candidacy Application must be submitted for entrance to Software Certifications (Software Certifications is administered by the Quality Assurance Institute (QAI)) as a candidate for any particular certification. This application is intended to be used by working professionals who feel they are prepared to take the required examination for the certification designation for which they are requesting candidacy.

It should only be submitted by individuals who: have reviewed the CSTE Body of Knowledge, are working in the field covered by the certification designation, have significant experience and breadth to have mastered the basics of the entire CSTE Body of Knowledge, and are prepared to take the required examination and therefore desire to establish candidacy.

It should not be submitted by individuals who: are not yet working in the field but who have an interest in obtaining employment in the field, are working in limited areas of the field but would like to expand their work roles to include broader responsibilities, are working in information technology but have only marginal involvement or duties related to the certification, or are interested in determining if this certification program will be of interest to them.


Candidates for certification (CSTE) must pass a four-part written examination in order to obtain certification. The examination tests the candidate's knowledge and practice of the skill areas defined in the CSTE Body of Knowledge. Candidates who do not successfully pass the examination may resit for the examination up to two times by submitting the application for examination resit and paying all required fees. Subsequent additional examination efforts require reinitiating the entire application process. The Software Certifications Board requires unsuccessful candidates to wait six months or more between examination sittings. Candidates who rapidly resit for examination parts are rarely successful. Adequate study and learning time needs to be spent in order to resit for missed examination parts successfully.

Recertification is required every three years on the anniversary of the date of the most recent recertification (or original certification) date. However Credentials prior to 2002 did not include expiration dates.


The initial application fee is $350.00. The fee now includes a CD of the Guide to the Common Book of Knowledge.

See also

* ISTQB Certified Tester
* software testing

External links

* [http://www.softwarecertifications.org/ Software Certifications]
* [http://www.qaiworldwide.org QAI (Quality Assurance Institute)]
* [http://www.astqb.org ASTQB (ISTQB in the U.S.)]
* [http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/CSTE/ CSTE Study Group (International)]
* [http://csqa.info/cste_software_testing CSTE Articles and Resources]

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