- Shammar Yahri'sh
Shammar Yahri'sh was a
Himyarite king. In 275 AD, he led his troops to victory overNadjran ,Mareb (theSabeans later reconquered their capital) andHadhramaut . He succeeded in uniting much ofYemen , assuming the new title "King of Saba and Dhu Raydan and Hadhramaut and Yamnat" (Yamnat may have been the name of the Southern part of Yemen). From his time on the Himyarite kings are known as Tubba kings, amply praised for their courage and leadership in traditional Yemeni poetry. A hundred years laterAbukar-rib Asad , who was titled "Asad al-Kamel"-the perfect one, fulfilled the highest aspirations of Shammar Yuharish. Under his leadership the old Sabean state with Mareb as the capital ceased to exist as an independent kingdom. TheAxumite s, who had become a strong power and had occupied the Tihama and part of the highlands more than once, were driven back to Ethiopia. During his rule pre-Islamic Yemen probably reached its greatest expansion including southern parts of present Saudi Arabia and Oman as a whole.
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