

Ro-Tor is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.

Robots in Disguise

Transformers character
name =Ro-Tor
japanname =Heptor

caption =
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Commandos
rank =
function =
motto =
alternatemodes =Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk
series =

voiceby =Neil Kaplan
Ro-Tor is the name of a Decepticon who turns into a helicopter. The team's reconnaissance specialist.

Animated series

Ro-Tor's first appearance in the TV series was in episode #14 "The Decepticons". As with his fellow Decepticons, Ro-Tor was created when Megatron found six Autobot protoforms and used his own energy to corrupt them.

3H Enterprises

His only appearance in the official storyline of Transformers: Universe was as a member of the Ruination combiner team in the 2004 BotCon voice actor play, where he was commanded by Reptilion.


*Robots in Disguise Ro-Tor:His toy is a redeco of Generation 1 Vortex. With Ruinations official height being given as 15 meters (49.2 feet) tall, and the toy measuring 25 centimeters tall, the toy would have a scale of about 1/60. This would mean Mega-Octane would stand 11.4 meters (37.4 feet) tall, while the other Commandos would stand about 4.8 meters (15.7 feet) tall.

*Robots in Disguise Ro-Tor Redeco :The Commandos were packaged together in a uniform "urban camo" redeco.

*Transformers: Universe Ruination (2004):A recolor of the Robots in Disguise Ro-Tor was released in Wal*Mart stores as part of a Ruination gift-set. He is painted in desert camo.

Transformers: Universe

Transformers character
name =Ro-Tor
japanname =Chaingun

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Aerialbots
rank =
function =
motto =
alternatemodes =Helicopter
series =
voiceby =
The name Ro-Tor was used again on a helicopter Micromaster as part of the Aerialbot team and forms an arm to the teams combined form Superion.

The Micromaster toy packaging was lacking in bios and no official bio has been released from Hasbro.

Because the Transformers: Universe toy line wasn't released in Europe, this toy was labeled as a Transformers: Cybertron toy in some markets.


*Transformers: Universe Ro-Tor (2005):Ro-Tor is a recolor of the Generation One Japanese exclusive Chaingun.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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