Sandin — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda 42°0′26.2″N 6°28′45.54″O / 42.007278, 6.4793167 Sandin es una p … Wikipedia Español
Sandin — ist der Name folgender Personen: Emil Sandin (* 1988), schwedischer Eishockeyspieler Erik Sandin (* 1966), US amerikanischer Schlagzeuger der Punk Rock Band NOFX Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sandin Wilson — (born 1959 10 06 in Medford, Oregon) is a veteran bassist and vocalist from the Pacific Northwest. As a youth, Sandin played football, baseball, and was involved in music early on, convinced by his Mom, it will be good for you . She was right, it … Wikipedia
Sandin, Zamora — Sandín is a small village in the north of the province of Zamora in the autonomous community Castile Leon of Spain. It has about 55 inhabitants and an altitude of 716meters.It is a small village linking it to the municipality of Manzanal de… … Wikipedia
Sandin Image Processor — The Sandin Image Processor is a video synthesizer, usually introduced as the video equivalent of a Moog audio synthesizer, invented by Dan Sandin. That is, it accepted basic video signals and mixed and modified them in a fashion similar to what a … Wikipedia
Daniel J. Sandin — For other uses, see Sandin (disambiguation). Dan Sandin Daniel J. Sandin (born 1942) is a video and computer graphics artist/researcher. He is a Professor Emeritus of the School of Art Design, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Co director of … Wikipedia
Erik Sandin — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Erik Sandin Erik Sandin es el batería original de NOFX y uno de los fundadores de la banda. Biografía Sandin creó junto a los demás miembros NOFX en 1983, pero dos años más tarde, en … Wikipedia Español
Will Sandin — William Sandin es un actor retirado nacido en Estados Unidos, en el estado de California. Biografía Sandin es conocido por haber interpretado a Michael Myers en el año 1978 cuando el asesino de la película contaba con sólo seis años de edad. El… … Wikipedia Español
Emil Sandin — Schweden Emil Sandin Personenbezogene Informationen Geburtsdatum 28. Februar 1988 Geburtsort Uppsala, Schweden … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lena Sandin — Carrière professionnelle 1980 – 1989[ … Wikipédia en Français