Barbel Mohr

Barbel Mohr

Barbel Mohr (born 1964) is a German author. Since 1998 has she published 20 German books (self-help books, children books, stories) – including the best-selling "Bestellungen beim Universum" ("The Cosmic Ordering Service"), translated into 14 languages so far and a German audio edition – which combined have more than 1.5 million copies in print.


In 1995 she wrote "The Cosmic Ordering Service" for a small group of people and distributed it as a Xerox copy. Since then, she has become a household name in Germany.Fact|date=July 2007

In 2006, Noel Edmonds (UK TV-presenter) credited her book with turning his career around. Barbel regularly gives lectures and workshops on joyful living and how to realise your dreams.

Personal life

With her family (husband and twins) she lives close to Munich in the country in Germany.


*"The Cosmic Ordering Service", Hodder Mobius, 2006. ISBN 9780340933329
*"Cosmic Ordering for Beginners", Hay House. ISBN 978-1-4019-1551-3
*"Cosmic Ordering: The Next Adventure", Hodder Mobius, 2007. ISBN 9780340933336
*"The Cosmic Ordering Wish Book", Hay House, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4019-1583-4
*"Instant Cosmic Ordering", Hay House, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4019-1599-5
* "COSMIC ORDERING: Complaints to the Universe" (ISBN 9780340933343 - publishing April 08)

External links

* [] Blog, Dates, Books
* [] Bärbel Mohr Academy

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