

Endenich is a neighborhood of Bonn, Germany, since 1904.

The village of Endenich was founded in the 8th century, first mentioned in 804 as "Villa quae vocatur Antiche" (the village was first called "Antiche").

Today, about 12,000 people live in Endenich.

It is bounded by other quarters of Bonn including Duisdorf, Dransdorf, Lengsdorf, Lessenich and Poppelsdorf. It is next to Autobahn A565. It has its own "Kulturmeile", an Irish Pub "The Fiddlers", and a cinema.

Bill Mockridge

Bonn is the home of many Comedic actors (Bastian Pastewka, Markus Maria Profitlich, Anka Zink, Michael Müller, Bill Mockridge etc.) due to the internationally, well-established Improvisation Theater "Springmaus", which was founded in 1986 and has significantly changed the German Comedic Society. Founder and owner of "Springmaus" is Canadian actor, director, producer and Stand-Up Comic Bill Mockridge, who currently resides in Bonn with his wife Margie Kinsky, also a Comedian at Springmaus Improv Theater, and his six children, who are all actively involved in Show business. Nick Mockridge is a director for short-films of the "Art House" genre, including his prize winning movie "Into the Morning". Matthew Mockridge is a successful singer in a boyband called "Part Six", which have reached many Top-Ten hits in the German Billboard Charts. Luke Mockridge pursues a career in comedic writing and Stand-Up and has worked on many Springmaus projects, including his father's One-Man Shows "Leise Rieselt der Kalk" and "Rostig, Rostig". Leonardo Mockridge is professional musician, currently being taught at well-established Brighton Institute of Music. He is currently the guitarist of well recognised Brighton band the Cloud Ants. Jeremy Mockridge is perhaps the most well-known offspring of the Mockridge Family, who has starred in many German Blockbuster such as "Die Liebe hat das letzte Wort", "Die Wilden Hühner" and "Die Wilden Hühner 2". Besides doing Theater work, Jeremy Mockridge has scored a role alongside his father in the most successful and longest running Television Soap-Opera in Germany "Lindenstrasse". Liam Mockridge is a model for several local clothing stores across the Bonn area.

Composer and pianist Robert Schumann lived for the last two years of his life in his Endenich house on Magdalenenstraße. He died on July 29, 1856 at the "Richarz'schen Heilanstalt" near today's Sebastianstraße.

In the northern part is the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy "Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie" which was opened in 1972.

External links

* [http://www.endenich-online.de Endenich online]
* [http://www.schumannhaus-bonn.de The Robert Schumann House]
* [http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de Max Plank Institute for Radioastronomy]
* [http://www.springmaus-theater.de Springmaus Theater]
* [http://www.fiddlers-bonn.com "The Fiddlers Bonn's International Pub]
* [http://www2.harmonie-bonn.de Die "Harmonie"]
* [http://www.rex-filmbuehne.de Rex Programmkino]

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