Lavinia's Tongue

Lavinia's Tongue

"Lavinia's Tongue" is the debut solo album by Sook-Yin Lee, released in 1994 on Zulu Records.

Track listing

# "Dreaming Out Loud" (4:37)
# "The Hair Song" (4:05)
# "Striptease" (3:00)
# "Going Home to Spawn" (:27)
# "Lullaby" (2:54)
# "Your Noodle's Cooked" (1:24)
# "Sixty Miles Away" (5:19)
# "Staying In" (3:33)
# "Chinese Restaurant Muzak" (1:03)
# "Me and Mary Ann" (2:50)
# "We Didn't Know How to Play a Song" (2:20)
# "Mr. Noodle Theme" (1:23)
# "Quasimodo" (3:27)
# "Two Polaroids" (1:49)
# "I Think of You" (3:41)
# "Vocal Improv With Vibrator" (1:48)
# "Personality 46/64" (4:16)
# "Nothing" (2:58)

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