The Disciples (Demonata)

The Disciples (Demonata)

The Disciples are a fictional group of mages from Darren Shan's "The Demonata" series. They travel the world and the Demons' universes attempting to keep humans safe from the demons. Their long-term goal is to find the legendary Kah-Gash, a weapon that is said to be able to either destroy the human universe or the Demonata universes and every demon in them.



The leader of The Disciples, and a real magician, as opposed to a mage. He wears a very old suit with a sad looking flower in it, and has dirty teeth, leading to an overall very unkempt appearance. Although he is very magically strong, he is often criticised by the other Disciples for being somewhat sadistic, giving up humans in smaller battles for, what he claims is a greater good, the search for the Kah-Gash. He is also criticised for being somewhat cruel in his methods for recruiting mages into The Disciples, and for keeping them in the group against their will. However, he confesses that he really does feel sorry for them, but, once again, claims that its all part of a greater good. Kernel Fleck believes that, although some think that he doesn't have feelings, he simply does a better job of hiding them than others.

Though much about his past is unknown, he claims that a demon universe featuring a waterfall of blood was a favorite place of his mother. He claims that his mother was "not as such" a magician, and died after he was born. He has also shown contempt towards his father. He confesses that as a child, he felt confused and alone in the world. It is revealed in "Demon Apocalypse" that his father was actually a demon that mated with his human mother. He was brought up by the Minotaur.

Aside from his appearance in The Disciples in "Demon Thief", he is mentioned in "Slawter", appears in "Bec" (under the name of Bran) and "Blood Beast".

In Book 7 he gives up control over his demon side and allows himself to become the savage beast seen on the cover of "Death's Shadow" (Book 7). He does this to give Bec and the other Disciples a chance to escape while he holds off the Shadow (a personification of Death). Unfortunately, he is killed in the process.

Kernel Fleck

Sharmila Mukherji

An old Indian Disciple. In "Lord Loss" Grubbs and Dervish watch a documentery about her and, she was one of Kernel's companions in "Demon Thief". She also appears in "Slawter", but it was a hallucination.

She has been healed from possibly fatal wounds by Bernabus, showing he likes her or needs her services.

She appears in "Demon Apocalypse", first trying to contact with Beranabus, and then helping them fight the demons so they can close the tunnel. She fights primarily using fire.

Sharmila looses her legs and hips during a fight "Death's Shadow" and although Beranabus reconstructs some fake legs for her, they disintergrate without magic, making travelling into the human world impossible for Sharmila. She allows Bec and Dervish to kill her in order to open a window through a trap that Lord Loss has sprung upon them. Sharmila went to her death willinging, thinking that she was of no use anyway in her feeble state.


Shark (presumably a nickname) is a Disciple who first appears in "Demon Thief", and a friend of Dervish. He was a member of the army, and first discovered his magical abilities when demons attacked his army base. He has since always worn his army uniform to commemorate his fellow soldiers who died in the attack. He has the word "SHARK" tattooed on his knuckles, one letter per finger.

He also appears in a hallucination in "Slawter" and helps to fight in "Demon Apocalypse". He fights using both his fists and his traditional military weapons. His style is more melee-oriented. As he says himself, in "Demon Thief", he isn't very imaginative.

Dervish Grady

Dervish is a member of the Disciples who helped Kernel in "Demon Thief", and now has the duty of protecting the cave from Bec from having a demon crossing. He is a jack of all trades.

Grubbs Grady

Grubbs is one of two Disciples who continuously travels with Beranabus. He is one-third of the Kah-Gash, half-werewolf, and a Magician. He is the nephew of Dervish Grady and half-brother of Billy "Bill-E" Spleen.

Kirilli Kovacs

Kirilli (a former student of Disciple Zahava Lever) was introduced in Death's Shadow, he was found hiding in a lifeboat onboard a ship full of zombies and the site where Death fought and defeated Beranabus. When he was younger he wanted to become a stage magician, but lacked the knack for it; however, when he was found on the ship he was dressed undercover as a magician. He shows a complete lack of courage in battle and is known to be more of a spy for the Disciples than a fighter. At the end of "Death's Shadow" he is floating in the ocean in a lifeboat with Dervish and Bec.

Meera Flame

Meera Flame is a close friend of Dervish Grady and constantly pops into his home, it is unknown what she does when she isn't with them as it hasn't been mentioned. She seems to like teasing with men and boys quite a lot. Dervish states in the first book she is one of few who has survived an encounter with a demon master, but not much else is said. We see her fight in "Death's Shadow". She also used to have feelings for Dervish, but the affection was not reciprocated because of his unwillingness to have children.

Former Disciples

Nadia Moore

A young blonde woman with the gift of precognition, a rare power which Beranabus believed could be invaluable to the Disciples. To this end, he kidnapped her in 1929, and forced her to join his cause, for which she has resented him ever since.

When the Disciples arrive in Lord Loss' realm in "Demon Thief", Nadia makes a deal with the demon master, promising to serve him if he will stage her death and grant her some "simple pleasures" as reward for her services. This deal goes through, and Nadia is presumed dead by all the Disciples. She reappears briefly to save Kernel from dying in Lord Loss' magical chessboard, where she informs him of her deal with Lord Loss, as well as swearing him to secrecy. Before departing, she states that although she doesn't hate any of the Disciples (except for Beranabus), she will still fight on the side of Lord Loss, and that if she and Kernel ever meet again, it will be as enemies. It is confirmed in Book 6 of the series, "Demon Apocalypse", that Juni Swan is in fact simply Nadia in disguis, confirming much speculation to this effect. She is killed shortly therafter, but in "Death's Shadow", she is revealed to have survived the attack, possibly due to the intervention of the Shadow. She is now an insane and tender walking corpse. Her magical abilities have also grown.

Raz Warlo

Raz was a Disciple who traveled with Beranabus in "Demon Thief". Kernel says that his skin is so dark that, on a moonless night, he would disappear. He is killed in a bloody battle with demons after being led into a trap by Cadaver.

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