

In larger school systems, a principal is often assisted by someone known as a vice-principal (Republic of Ireland: deputy principal) or assistant principal. Unlike the principal, the vice-principal does not have quite the decision making authority that the principal carries. Although they still carry nearly the same among students, the vice principal does not have the same power on the board. In US schools, it is often his or her duty to handle matters such as student discipline, parent conference meetings, asset inventory and ordering, school improvement planning, bus and lunch supervision, and teacher observations.

Most importantly however, in the event that something happens to the principal, such as an extended leave of absence, the assistant principal would act as the interim principal. Because of this, many see this position as a stepping-stone to the larger role of principal and is often used as such. In most schools, the vice-principal forgoes all teaching duties in order to address broader educational issues.

Assistant principals aid the principal in the overall administration of the school. Some assistant principals hold this position for several years to prepare for advancement to principal jobs; others are career assistant principals. They are primarily responsible for scheduling student classes, ordering textbooks and supplies, and coordinating transportation, custodial, cafeteria, and other support services. They usually handle student discipline and attendance problems, social and recreational programs, and health and safety matters. They also may counsel students on personal, educational, or vocational matters. With the advent of site-based management, assistant principals are playing a greater role in ensuring the academic success of students by helping to develop new curricula, evaluating teachers, and dealing with school-community relations—responsibilities previously assumed solely by the principal. The number of assistant principals that a school employs may vary, depending on the number of students.

from [ The US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics]

ee also

* Principal (school)


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