John Tweedy

John Tweedy

: Sir John Tweedy (21 May 1849 - 1924) was a surgeon and a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. [ [ Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online Home ] at]

He as born at Stockton-on-Tees, the son of John Tweedy, a solicitor. (Other sources say he was the son of a Foreign Fruit Merchant.) He was educated at Stockton Collegiate School under Mr Charles James Cooke and then at Elmfield College for a period of 2yrs and 9 months where he received a good classical and mathematical education. He read classical greek and latin. He then went to University College, London and University College Hospital to study medicine. He qualified in 1872, and in 1873 became a Clinical Assistant at the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, thus beginning a long and distinguished association with that institution.

He married Mary Hilhouse, daughter of Richard Hilhouse and had 2 sons, Roger and Wharton as well as a daughter

Tweedy was an excellent speaker, whether in a set lecture or after dinner. He showed precision, making his points deliberately, and his speeches were always imbued with a kindliness and modesty which were characteristic of the man. In 1905 he was Hunterian Orator, and in his later years one of the Hunterian Trustees. On the occasions when the Hunterian Trustees met at the College, the sound of his horses’ hoofs might be heard with measured tat-tat in front of the portico, for Sir John was perhaps the last consulting surgeon in London to keep a brougham instead of a car. In 1866 he left to go to University College, London and passed his exams in November 1870 where he took up membership of Royal College of Surgeons. In March 1872 he took LRCP and joined the editorial post of The Lancet for a period of 12 yrs. He then passed another exam and joined the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons. In 1884 he was elected Assistant Surgeon at the Royal London Opthalmic Hospital. In 1890 he retired on his appointment as Professor of Opthalmic Medicine and Surgery at University College, London. In 1901 he resigned upon his appointment as Emeritus Professor in the College and Consulting Surgeon to the Hospital.

*1892 - Royal College of Surgeons
*1899 - Junior Vice-President
*1902 - Senior Vice-President
* 1903 - President of the Opthalmalogical Society of the United Kingdom
*1904 - Representative of the College of Surgeons on the Courts of Governors of the Universities of Sheffield and Liverpool. 
* 1906 - He received his Knighthood and Edinburgh University conferred an LL.D on him.
* 1919-       He wrote 2 essays 'The Medical Tradition' 1919 and 'The Surgical Tradition'. []


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