Anemone riparia

Anemone riparia

name = "Anemone riparia"
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regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Ranunculales
familia = Ranunculaceae
genus = "Anemone"
species = "A. riparia"
binomial = "Anemone riparia"
binomial_authority = Fern

"Anemone riparia" (Thimble weed) is an upright growing herbaceous plant species in the genus "Anemone" and family Ranunculaceae. Plants grow 30 to 100 cm tall, flowering early summer but often found flowering till mid August, the flowers are greenish-white, white or even sometimes red tinted, 2-3 cm wide. After flowering the fruits are produced in a dense rounded, to rounded columned heads 8 mm thick. When the fruits, called achenes, are ripe they have gray-white colored, densely woolly styles, that allow them to blow away in the wind. This species is similar to "Anemone cylindrica" and "Anemone virginiana". Native from Eastern North America were it is found growing on rocky banks and in open woods. The species validity in the past has been disputed. Differing from "A. virginiana" in the size of the fruiting heads and anthers.

* "A. virginiana" with anthers 1.2-1.6 mm long, fruiting heads 12-15 mm thick.
* "A. riparia" with anthers .7-1.2 mm long and fruiting heads 7-11 mm thick.

Currently listed as "Anemone Virginiana" var. "alba" by a number of taxonomy works. [cite book
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first = Flora of North America Editorial Committee
title = Flora of North America Vol 3, Magnoliophyta:Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae
publisher = Oxford University Press
date = 1997
pages = pp 139-158
isbn = 019511246-6


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