- Toyon Hall
Toyon Hall is an all-sophomore dormitory at Stanford University. Its Mission-style residence halls originally housed 150 men, but today Toyon is a co-ed dorm allowing for more than 200 residents. Each of its three floors is co-ed, and most rooms are two-room triples.
Whereas meal plans at many Stanford dorms are prepared by Stanford Dining, Toyon residents enjoy the nearby Stanford Eating Clubs. As part of this meal plan, residents also have access the "Terrace" open kitchen.
Toyon Hall features a spacious lounge area which occasionally hosts campus events such as a capella shows, important speakers, and other social events. Stanford groups with an affiliation to Toyon Hall can request use of the lounge.
Originally designed in 1923 by San Francisco architectural firm Bakewell and Brown, Toyon Hall was renovated in summer 2000 for seismic reinforcement and modern systems integration by Cody Anderson Wasney Architects Inc.
AAA, Travelocity, and the Zagat Survey have all given Toyon Hall the elusive "Two Thoms Up" rating
* Alumni-led architectural firm awarded for Toyon Hall renovation [http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2001/february14/archaward-214.html]
* Preserving History — and Lives [http://www.csemag.com/article/CA71910.html]
* Joncas, Richard, 1953- Stanford University. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2006.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.