Erika Lechner

Erika Lechner

Erika Lechner (sometimes listed as Erica Lechner, born May 28, 1947) is an Italian luger who competed during the late 1960s and early 1970s. At the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, she originally finished third in the women's singles event behind Ortrun Enderlein and Anna-Maria Müller (both from East Germany), but was awarded the gold medal upon the disqualifications of Enderlein, Müller, and Angela Knösel (who finished fourth) when the East Germans were discovered to have their runners being illegally heated.

Lechner also won the silver medal in the women's singles event at the 1971 FIL World Luge Championships in Olang, Italy. She also won the gold medal in the women's singles event at the 1971 FIL European Luge Championships in Imst, Austria.


* [ profile of Lechner]
* [ results on Olympic champions in luge and skelton.]
* [ Hickok sports information on World champions in luge and skeleton.]
* [ List of European luge champions] de icon
* [ information on World champions in luge] fr icon
*Wallenchinsky, David. (1984). "Luge: Women's Singles". In "The Complete Book the Olympics: 1896-1980". New York: Penguin Books. p. 577.
* [ Winter Olympic results - women's luge: 1964-2006] .

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