- Spasell
Infobox Language
name = Spasell
familycolor = Indo-European
states =Italy
speakers =
fam2 = Italic
fam3 = Romance
fam4 = Italo-Western
fam5 = Western
fam6 = Gallo-Romance
fam7 = Gallo-Italic
fam8 = Lombard
fam9 = Insubric
iso2=roa |lc1=lmo |ld1=Lombard |ll1=Lombard languageSpasell is a slang of
Insubric language , spoken untilXIX century by inhabitants ofVallassina , when they used to go out from the valley for business and they didn't want to be understood by the people. It is characterized by code-words conventionally defined basing on characteristics of the thing or ononomatopeia s; other words have an unknown origin. It has been noted by Carlo Mazza,vicar ofAsso , in his book "Memorie storiche della Vallassina" of 1796. He informs us that several slangs have been created in the time, because in the time the words were introduced in the current language, reducing the differences between "official" language and "secret" language. After a list of terms, the vicar proposes, as example, the translation of "Pater Noster " in this language, evidencing that it's totally incomprehensible also by theInsubric speakers. There are various similar or identical slangs in many localities ofInsubria , likeValtellina andMilan . Some Spasell words have been adsorbed by the common language, for example "lòfi" (see Spasell "loffi"=bad), used in northernBrianza to indicate a "so and so" person, or "scabbi", used also byCarlo Porta in the poem "Brindes de Meneghin a l'Ostaria" to refer to wine, in alternation with "vin".EL «PATER NOSTER» IN SPASELL
"Masett che stanziê in la creuggia di salvestri,"
"ch'el vost oden s'ingalmissa,"
"ch'el stanzia el nost bosin piatt,
"che se rusca quel che vu tubè"
"sora i masett de la luscia, quant in quella di sciatt."
"Refilên el sbêg de stobold,
"e che no va stanzien nippa in del scimêe i nost lenarii,"
"come anch'el nost'oden szabolda ai olter ghielma;
"Fêen taruscia la schigna che ne rusca el Naja de Tameu."
"Per tagiorala no lassên sciobigà in nient de loffi."
"A M E N."
Some Spasell words in
Classical Milanese orthography :*albarej - eggs (
Vallassinese of Asso: ööf)
*arton - bread (pan)
*astregg - omlet (fritada)
*bajaff - weapon (arma)
*bald - day (dì)
*ballina - hour (ura)
*bell - sun (suu)
*bella - moon (lüna)
*belledra - sheep (pégura, barina)
*bighês - lover (muruus)
*boffaroeu - firearm (s'ciòp)
*bolla - people, community (géent)
*boschiroeura - hazelnut (nisciöla)
*bosin - master (padrón)
*bronza - bell (campana)
*bruna - night (nòcc)
*brunej - eyes (öcc)
*calcant - beggar (pitòch)
*calcosa - street (straa)
*Capellura - Our Lady (Madòna)
*Capelluu - God (Signuur)
*cer - white (biaanch)
*croeuggia - house (cà)
*croeulla - storm (tempèsta)
*daga - sword (spada)
*degoeuj - salad (nsalada)
*fangôs - shoes (scaarp)
*faree - black (négher)
*ficcà el vel - to go (ndà)
*fogatta - red (rós)
*foja - fear (pagüra, strimizi)
*follon - fear (pagüra, strimizi)
*fortin - vinegar (asée)
*fraina - snow (néef)
*fratessa - pocket (sacòcia)
*ghisalba - blind (òorp)
*gialdin - coin (zechin)
*gianderoeu - peach (pèrsega)
*gnifell - son (bagaj)
*griera - prison (prisón)
*gringaja - bell (campana)
*inciappinà - to become drunk (imbriagas)
*infioeura - chestnut (castègna)
*ingalmì - to understand (capì)
*lescia - garlic (aj)
*levesa - chestnut (castègna)
*loffi - bad (gram)
*longôs - year (ann, agn)
*longosin - month (mées)
*lumà - to see (vedè)
*lumart - mirror (spècc)
*luscia - water, rain (aqua)
*luscià - to cry (piaanc, caragnà)
*luscia del Capelluu - blessed water (aqua santa)
*luscion piatt - sea (maar)
*mager - good (bón)
*manìa - woman (dòna)
*masett - father (pà)
*masett de la luscia - cloud (nìula)
*masetta - mother (mam)
*mugenga - cow (vaca)
*muginghera - cowshed (stala)
*naja de tamoeu - devil (diàul)
*nold - grandfather (nònu)
*percà - to see (vedè)
*picch - hammer (martèl)
*pisto - priest (préet)
*prumm - pig (purcèl)
*quella di sciatt - earth, ground (tèra)
*rabbaja - polenta (pulénta)
*refald - hot (caalt)
*refilà - to give (dà)
*ruscà - to do (fà)
*ruspanda - hen (gaìna)
*ruspandon - cock (gal)
*saltarella - hare (légura)
*sbalada - death (mòort)
*sbeg - bread (pan)
*sbelledrà - to sing (cantà)
*sbertì - to kill (mazà)
*sbertidor - executioner (bòja)
*sboja-tambell - notary (nudaar)
*scabi - wine (vin)
*scabià - to drink (béef)
*scajà - to pay (pagà)
*sciucchesta - pint (pinta)
*sciucch - mug
*scoffenà - to work (laurà)
*scoloeu - hat (capèl)
*scoloeu de la croeuggia - roof (tècc)
*scovagioeu - handkerchief (panèt)
*seguacc - lake (laach)
*sgorattin - bird (üsèl)
*sguinz - fish (pès)
*silvestra - candlelight (lüm)
*slenza - rain (aqua)
*spiazz - priest (préet)
*spiazz de la bolla - vicar (cürat, prevòst)
*spolverenta - flour (farina)
*stanzià - to be, to have, to stay (vès, vèch, stà)
*stobald - today (incöö)
*sudà - to inebriate (imbriagas)
*szabolda - to be silent (tasè)
*tabacca - beard (barba)
*tabacchin - (pizèt)
*tambell - cards (caart)
*tambosna - pumpkin (züca)
*tamera - night (nòcc)
*tavolà - to come (vignì)
*tavolà la fraina - to snow (vignì la néef)
*tisell - cold (frècc)
*toff - gun (s'ciupetada)
*traversa - tablecloth (tuaja)
*tubà - to say (dì)
*vedrosin - glass (bicéer)
*vertera - door (pòrta)Bibliography
*Carlo Mazza, "Memorie storiche della Vallassina", 1796 (PARTE SECONDA, CAPO XII)
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