- Just international
Just International, or "The International Movement for a JUST World" is a small, but growing international human rights organization, based and founded in Malaysia. It is currently presided by Professor Chandra Muzzafar, a prominent intellectual in Malaysia.
The organization lists its objectives in its website: www.just-international.org. The organizational goals are stated below, though there is doubt by some individuals relating to how successful this NGO can be in achieving these seemingly noble tasks.
The International Movement for a JUST World sends out a monthly publication known as the JUST Commentary, which consits of articles written by members of the organization, mostly Professor Muzaffar, as well as from other prominent journalists and academics.
Aims / Objectives
1. To develop public awareness about the iniquities and injustices in the existing global system.
2. To create a better understanding, at the popular level, of how control and domination of the global system by a privileged minority challenges human dignity and social justice in both the 'First World' and the 'Third World', in both the 'North' and the 'South'.
3. To nurture a deeper appreciation among people everywhere of the urgent need for alternative institutions and arrangements at the global level which are more conducive to the emergence of a just world.
4. To raise global consciousness on the crucial importance of fostering attitudes, values and ideals at both the personal and community level, which will help, attain and sustain a just world.
5. To inculcate within the human family as a whole a profound commitment to a universal spiritual and moral vision of life and living rooted in the oneness of God which will serve to guide humankind in its quest for a just world.
6. All the purposes and objectives as stated above, shall benefit all Malaysians irrespective of race, religion and origin. The benefits shall not be confined to a particular group.
JUST has been criticized for keeping its focus on international issues. The are some Malaysian who do feel that the organization should pay more attention to local and national human rights. However, one must also be aware that JUST does not isolate itself from its surroundings, and does indeed speak up about areas of concern for its fellow citizens.
More information of the organization is available in
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.