

Gascoigne is an English surname (derived from the geographical name "Gascony"), and can refer to:

People surnamed Gascoigne

*Bamber Gascoigne (born 1935), English broadcaster and author
*Bianca Gascoigne (born 1987), English model
*Charles Gascoigne (1738–1806), English industrialist, arms manufacturer and entrepreneur in Russia
*George Gascoigne (c. 1525 – 1577), English poet
*Jill Gascoine (born c. 1937), English actress and novelist
*Marc Gascoigne (born 1962), English games author and editor
*Paul Gascoigne (born 1967), English footballer
*Phil Gascoigne, British comics artist
*Rosalie Gascoigne (1917–1999), Australian sculptor
*Stephen Gascoigne ("Yabba") (1878–1942), Australian sports personality
*Sir William Gascoigne (c. 1350 – 1419), Chief Justice of England
*William Gascoigne (scientist) (c. 1610 – 1644), English scientific instrument maker
*William Julius Gascoigne Gascoigne, British General

Gascoigne may also refer to:
* Oliver Gascoigne
* the Gascoigne family of Yorkshire, the Gascoigne baronets

ee also

*Gascoigne Bluff, Georgia, USA
*Gascoigne Road and Gascoigne Road Flyover, Kowloon
*Gascoigne, hardcore band, NL

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  • GASCOIGNE (G.) — GASCOIGNE GEORGE (1542 1578) Étudiant à Trinity College, à Cambridge, George Gascoigne fit son droit à Gray’s Inn et représenta son comté, le Bedfordshire, au Parlement (mal, car il ne put y siéger longtemps à cause de ses frasques). Il mena à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gascoigne — ist der Familienname von: Caroline Gascoigne (1813 1883), englische Dichterin und Schriftstellerin George Gascoigne (ca. 1525 1577), englischer Dichter Paul Gascoigne (* 1967), ehemaliger englischer Fußballspieler Sidney Charles Bartholemew… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gascoigne —   [ gæskɔɪn], George, englischer Schriftsteller, * Cardington (bei Bedford) wohl um 1540, ✝ Bernack (bei Stamford) 7. 10. 1577. Gascoigne schrieb eine Prosaerzählung, die das Alltagsleben schildert (»The adventures of Master F. J.«, 1573), ein… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Gascoigne — (spr. gäskenn), 1) George, engl. Dichter, geb. um 1525, gest. 1577, Sohn des Sir John G. von Cardington in Bedfordshire, studierte im Trinity College zu Cambridge und dann auf der Juristenschule Gray s Inn zu London, in der er nach einer Periode… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Gascoigne — Gascoigne, George …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gascoigne —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Ben Gascoigne (1915 2010), astronome australien, Charles Gascoigne (1738 1806) est un industriel britannique; Denis Gascoigne Lillie (1888… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gascoigne — This interesting surname, with variant spellings Gascoign(e), Gascoin(e), Gasquoine, Gaskain, Gasken, and Gasking, originated as a regional name for someone from the province of Gascony, written as Gascogne in Old French. The name of this region… …   Surnames reference

  • Gascoigne Bluff — is a bluff next to the Frederica River on the western side of the island of St. Simons which was a Native American campground, the site of a Franciscan monastery named San Buenaventura, and the site of the Province of Georgia s first naval… …   Wikipedia

  • Gascoigne Road — (zh cpcy|c=加士居道|cy=ga1 si6 geui1 dou6|p=Jiāshìjū Dào) is a main road in Kowloon, Hong Kong, going through the head of King s Park and leading vehicles from West Kowloon to the Cross Harbour Tunnel.Gascoigne Road Flyover (加士居道天橋) is a flyover… …   Wikipedia

  • Gascoigne baronets — The surname Gascoigne derives from Gascony in France. The best known family of this name, believed, although not proven, to have come to England at the time of the Norman Conquest Fact|date=June 2007, settled in Yorkshire.Medieval and Tudor… …   Wikipedia

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