Terra rosa (soil)

Terra rosa (soil)

Terra rosa is a type of red clay soil produced by the weathering of limestone. When limestone weathers, the clay contained in the rocks is left behind, along with any other non-soluble rock material. Under oxidizing conditions, when the soils are above the water table, iron oxide (rust) forms in the clay. This gives it a characteristic red to orange colour.

Terra rossa is typically found in regions with a Mediterranean climate. [http://www.winepros.com.au/jsp/cda/reference/oxford_entry.jsp?entry_id=3201 Oxford Companion to Wine (2nd Ed, 1999) at winepros.com.au: terra rossa] , accessed on July 9, 2008]

Compared to most clay soils, terra rosa has surprisingly good drainage characteristics. This makes it a popular soil type for wine production. Among other wine regions, it is found in La Mancha in Spain and Coonawarra in Australia.


External links

* [http://www.rockhoundingar.com/askmikey/askMgeology.html Ask Mikey about geology and rock types]
* [http://www.caves.org/conservancy/ikc/slideshow/slide15.htm Indian Karst Geology]

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