

Infobox Musical artist

Img_size = 150
Name = Sonni
Background = solo_singer
Birth_name =
Nickname(s) =
Born = 1981
Origin = Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Genre = R&B, pop
Occupation = Singer
Years_active = 2005 to present
Label = Fish 'n' Chips

Sonni (born 1981) is an American R&B and pop singer.

She was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and now lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She has been singing, acting, and dancing professionally since she was 8 years old. She was a background vocalist on Eve's "Eveolution" (Columbia), Kindred's "The Family Soul" (Hidden Beach/Epic), and Whitney Houston's "Just Whitney" (Arista).

Sonni's first album, in limited release, was "Sonni's Interview" (2006). In 2007 she released a second album, "Good Bye".


*2006: "Sonni's Interview"
*2007: "Good Bye"

External links

* [ Official Site]

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