

Cabell may refer to:
* Cabell County, West Virginia
* Cabell City, Oregon
* "The Putnam-Cabell Post"

As a Surname

* Charles P. Cabell (1903–1971), United States Air Force, CIA
* Earle Cabell (1906–1975), politician from Texas
* Edward Carrington Cabell (1816–1896), politician from Florida
* Enos Cabell (b.1949), Major League Baseball player
* James Branch Cabell (1879–1958), American author of fantasy fiction
* James Laurence Cabell (1813–1889), sanitarian
* Samuel Jordan Cabell (1756–1818), American military officer
* Nicole Cabell (b. 1977), opera singer
* Samuel Jordan Cabell (1756-1818), United States Congressman from Virginia
* William Cabell, one of several people with this name, including:
** William Cabell Bruce (1860-1946), United States Senator from Maryland and author
** William Cabell (physician) (1700-1774), physician and notable figure in 18th century Virginia
** William Cabell (American Revolution) (1730-1798), a figure in the American Revolution
** William H. Cabell (1772-1853), Governor of Virginia
** William Lewis Cabell (1827-1911), Confederate General and Mayor of Dallas
** William Cabell Rives (1793-1868), American statesman from Virginia

As a Given Name

* Cabell R. Berry (1848-1910), Speaker of the Tennessee State Senate from 1885 to 1887
* John Cabell Breckinridge (1821-1875), 14th Vice President of the United States
* John Cabell "Bunny" Breckinridge (1903-1996), American actor
* Cab Calloway (1907-1994), American jazz singer and bandleader
* Clement Cabell Dickinson (1849–1938), United States Congressman from Missouri
* Albert Cabell Ritchie (1876-1936), 49th Governor of Maryland
* Marion Cabell Tyree, author of the community cookbook called "Housekeeping in Old Virginia", which contains the oldest known recipe for sweet ice tea, published in 1879

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