Geert van Istendael

Geert van Istendael

Geert van Istendael (Ukkel, 29 March 1947) is a Belgian writer poet and essayist. He studied sociology and philosophy at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. From 1987 until 1993, he worked as a journalist for the Belgian National Television and since 1993 he became a full-time writer. He is a brother of Frans Vanistendael.


*1983 "De iguanodons van Bernissart". (poems)
*1987 "Plattegronden". Amsterdam (poems).
*1989 "Het Belgisch labyrint, of De schoonheid der wanstaltigheid'. (poems)
*1991 "Verhalen van het heggeland". (stories)
*1992 "Arm Brussel". Amsterdam (essays)
*1994 "Bekentenissen van een reactionair". (essays)
*1995 "Vlaamse sprookjes".
*1996 "Het geduld van de dingen". (poems)
*1997 "Altrapsodie". (novel)
*1997 "Anders is niet beter". (essays)
*1999 "Nieuwe uitbarstingen". (essays)
*2001 "Alle uitbarstingen". (columns)
*2003 "De zwarte steen". (novel)
*2005 "Mijn Nederland". (essays)
*2006 "Alfabet van de globalisering". (essays)


* 1995 - Geuzenprijs

ee also

* Flemish literature


* [ Geert van Istendael]

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