- Scout troop
The Scout troop is a unit of Scouts,
Boy Scout s, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts that usually meet weekly. Girl Guides often use "Unit" or "Company" instead. This is the section a Scout joins and via which he or she participates in Scouting activities, such as camping, backpacking, and canoeing. The troop size can vary from as few as a half-dozen Scouts to several dozen. Troops work onbadge s andawards together, and arrange activities, events, andcamping trips together.Each troop is comprised of patrols of five to ten Scouts. A patrol's independence from the troop varies among troops and between activities. For instance, a troop typically holds ordinary meetings as a unit. Patrols' autonomy becomes more visible at campouts, where each patrol may set up its own cooking area. However, on a high adventure trip which only a small part of the troop attends, divisions between patrols may disappear entirely.
In many countries a local organisation called a
Scout Group , combines a Scout troop with other groups of different age levels together in a single body. For example, aBeaver Scout Colony, aCub Scout Pack, a Scout troop, aVenture Scout Crew and aRover Scout Crew together might form a Scout Group. In other countries, the different sections are independent of each other, although they might be sponsored or chartered by the same organisation, such as a Church.ee also
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