Revolving Account — A type of credit account in which the customer may defer payment on part of the balance. Interest is charged on the unpaid balance and added to the total owed. A credit card is one type of revolving account. A revolving account may also be called … Investment dictionary
revolving credit facility — an arrangement (usually with a bank) that requires the borrower to undertake to make regular periodic payments into a designated account in return for the facility to borrow on that account up to a specified sum, the amount of which is usually… … Law dictionary
revolving credit — re·volv·ing credit n: a credit which may be used repeatedly up to the limit specified after partial or total repayments have been made Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. revolving credit … Law dictionary
revolving charge — A type of credit arrangement that permits a buyer or a borrower to purchase merchandise or obtain loans on a continuing basis as long as the outstanding balance of the account does not exceed a certain limit. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia… … Law dictionary
revolving — [ri välvīŋ, ri vôl′viŋ] adj. 1. that revolves: said of an airport beacon, etc. ☆ 2. Finance a) designating a fund kept for making loans, payments, etc. and regularly replenished, as from repayments b) designating credit, as for a charge account,… … English World dictionary
Revolving Funds — A revolving fund is a fund or account whose income remains available to finance its continuing operations without any fiscal year limitation.Within federal and state governments, law establishes revolving funds. Revolving funds, established for… … Wikipedia
revolving charge account — noun a charge account that does not have to be paid to zero balance • Hypernyms: ↑credit account, ↑charge account, ↑open account * * * a charge plan offerring revolving credit. [1965 70] … Useful english dictionary
revolving charge account — An arrangement between a seller and a buyer pursuant to which: (1) the seller may permit the buyer to purchase goods or services on credit either from the seller or pursuant to a seller credit card, (2) the unpaid balances of amounts financed… … Black's law dictionary
revolving charge account — An arrangement between a seller and a buyer pursuant to which: (1) the seller may permit the buyer to purchase goods or services on credit either from the seller or pursuant to a seller credit card, (2) the unpaid balances of amounts financed… … Black's law dictionary
revolving credit — noun a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time • Syn: ↑open end credit, ↑charge account credit • Hypernyms: ↑consumer credit • Hyponyms: ↑credit account, ↑ … Useful english dictionary