H. P. Michelet

H. P. Michelet

HP Michelet is a Norwegian entrepreneur. Michelet is the Executive Chairman of [http://www.energyrecovery.com Energy Recovery Inc.] (ERI). since March 2008. ERI is the world’s leading manufacturer of energy recovery devices such as the PX Pressure Exchanger used for seawater desalination that reduces energy consumption of up to 98%. [cite web|url=http://sramanamitra.com/blog/549|title=Serial Entrepreneur: HP Michelet]

Prior to being named the executive chairman of our board, Mr. Michelet had served chairman of the ERI board since September 2004 and a member of the board of directors since 1995. Mr. Michelet’s other current directorships include serving as the chairman of the board of directors of SynchroNet Marine Inc., a maritime technology service provider, since 2000 and a member of the board of directors of Arvarius AS, a privately held Norwegian investment company, since 1997. In 1997, “HP” joined Delphi Asset Management as a Director, where he was instrumental in turning Delphi into one of the fastest growing Norwegian asset management companies. In 1992 he was promoted to Deputy Managing Director of Fiba Nordic Securities AS and ultimately became CEO in 1994. There, he was instrumental in positioning the firm as a major Scandinavian investment bank previously in 1989, he became Director of Finanshuset AS, where he was responsible for creating the Scandinavian fixed income department. In his From 1986-1989 H P worked as Portfolio Manager for Storebrand Insurance Corp. (Norway). At Storebrand, Mr. Michelet’s managed the company’s “non-life” cash position, equity portfolios and fixed income portfolio valuing approximately $5 billion. Mr. Michelet holds a B.A. in Finance from the University of Oregon. [cite web|url=http://energyrecovery.com/company/corporate.php4|title=Executive Chairman of the ERI Board of Directors : HP Michelet]

He was also involved with 8 different types of business from software to cleantech to cod farm.


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  • Michelet — (spr. mīsch lä), 1) Jules, franz. Geschichtschreiber und Philosoph, geb. 21. Aug. 1798 in Paris, gest. 9. Febr. 1874 in Hyères, ward schon 1821 Professor der Geschichte am Collège Rollin. 1826 erschien seine erste schriftstellerische Arbeit, das… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Michelet — (spr. Mischläh), 1) Jules, geb. 21. Aug. 1798 in Paris; wurde 1821 Lehrer der Alten Sprachen u. der Geschichte am College Mollin, 1827 Professor an der Normalschule, 1830 Chef der historischen Section im Reichsarchiv u. 1838 Professor der… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Michelet — (spr. misch leh), Jules, franz. Historiker, geb. 21. Aug. 1798 zu Paris, 1838 51 Prof. am Collège de France, gest. 9. Febr. 1874 zu Hyères; Hauptwerke: »Histoire de France« (16 Bde., 1837 67 u.ö.), in demokrat. Geiste, »Histoire de la révolution… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Michelet [2] — Michelet (spr. misch leh), Karl Ludw., philos. Schriftsteller aus der Schule Hegels, geb. 1. Dez. 1801 zu Berlin, Prof. das., gest. 16. Dez. 1893; schrieb: »Vorlesungen über die Persönlichkeit Gottes etc.« (1841), »Geschichte der Menschheit«… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Michelet [1] — Michelet (Mischlä), Jules, Geschichtschreiber, geb. 1798 zu Paris 1821–50 Lehrer der Geschichte in verschiedenen Stellungen, 1850 als Professor am Collège de France, 1851 auch als Archivar am Reichsarchiv vom Amte suspendirt, seitdem ziemlich… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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  • Michelet — Michelet, Jules …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Michelet — (Jules) (1798 1874) historien et écrivain français. Il enseigne au Collège de France (1838), où son libéralisme et son anticléricalisme le font suspendre. Il perd définitivement sa chaire (1851), puis sa fonction aux Archives (1852). Son Histoire …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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