International Informix Users Group

International Informix Users Group

products and technology.

Their mission statement says:"Founded in 1995, IIUG is the most influential user group representing the users of Informix products. Thousands of IIUG members around the world network, share knowledge and influence IBM and other vendors through IIUG. Please visit the following areas to learn more about the IIUG, our mission and goals, and the resources we are working to provide to the Informix user community. If you are just now discovering us and are interested in Informix technology, we encourage you to join IIUG now at no charge."

Membership to IIUG has always been free. IIUG counts over 28,000 members [cite web | url = | title = Membership | work = | date = 2007 | accessdate = 2007-06-05 ] .


It has been created in 1995 by five founders [cite web | url= | title = Five founders | work = | date = 1995 | accessdate = 2007-06-05 ] :
* Carlton Doe [cite web | url = | title = IIUG Founder: Carlton Doe | work = | date = 1995 | accessdate = 2007-06-05 ] ,
* Lester Knutsen [cite web | url = | title = IIUG Founder: Lester Knutsen | work = | date = 1995 | accessdate = 2007-06-05 ] ,
* Walt Hultgren,
* Malcolm Weallans [cite web | url = | title = IIUG Founder: Malcolm Weallans | work = | date = 1995 | accessdate = 2007-06-05 ] and
* Cathy Kipp.


IIUG provides many services to its members.


One of the main service of IIUG is to publish news through a monthly newsletter (" [ The Insider] "). Previous editors of the Insider are Fred (Federico) Hubbard, Jean Georges Perrin, Gary Ben-Israel and David Fraser.


IIUG provides many forum with dedicated topics on Informix-4GL, Informix Dynamic Server, etc.


More recently, IIUG has started its own TV channel, on [] .


IIUG has recently announced it will run its own user conference [cite web | url = | title = IIUG to start its own conference | work = | date = 2007-01-01 | accessdate = 2007-06-05 ] .


It is managed by a board, composed of 11 elected volunteers and 1 liaison to IBM, who now owns Informix.

For 2007 [cite web | url = | title = IIUG Board in 2007 | work = | date = 2007-01-01 | accessdate = 2007-06-05 ] , the board is composed of:

* Gary Ben-Israel, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, Israel.
* Sergio Ferreira, MoreData, Portugal.
* David Fraser, Logis, New Zealand.
* June Hunt, Tyler Technologies, United States.
* Cindy Lichtenauer, One Point Solutions, United States.
* Stuart Litel (President), Kazer, United States.
* Jean Georges Perrin, GreenIvory, France.
* Michael Segel, MSCC, United States.
* Kernoal Stephens, AutoZone, United States.
* Kate Tomchik, The Home Depot, United States.
* Bruce Weed, IBM, United States.


External links

For more information about IIUG, see

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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