- Condor missile
:"This article is about the Argentine/Middle Eastern Condor missile, for the US Navy's air-to-surface missile see
AGM-53 Condor ".The Argentine Condor missile program started in the 1970s as a multinational space research program with significant contract work being performed by German company MBB (now a group within
DaimlerChrysler ).The original Condor had little military capability but was used to build expertise that went into to the "Alacrán" program which was a functional short range ballistic missile. After the 1982
Falklands War 's (Spanish: "Guerra de las Malvinas" ) problems with French missiles (France placed an arms embargo during the conflict), theArgentine Air Force , under command of Ernesto Crespo, decided it was time have its own medium-range missile, and started the Condor II program.This program was driven in close collaboration with
Egypt , and thenIraq , but in the earliest 1990sCarlos Menem discontinued it because of political pressure from theUnited States . The missile was developed in Falda del Carmen, Córdoba Province.It is believed that
Libya has assumed the Condor II project around 1995. Extensive shifts in theMiddle East have obscured the exact status of the Condor II program, but it was clearly the most promising of the Libyan missile programs.In 1997 the
Argentine Air Force reported to Congress that it still possessed 2 of the missiles that were to be destroyed.Reports of a Condor III program are extensive. The Condor III would have an increased range to some 1,500 km (932 miles) with the same payload as the Condor II. It was however likely that this program ended with the fall of the
Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq.pecifications
*Length: 10.50 m
*Diameter: 0.80 m
*Weight: 5,200 kg
*Warhead: Single (HE or chemical), 450 kg
*Range: 900 km
*Propulsion: 2-stage solid/liquidExternal links
*es icon [http://www.seprin.com/alas_del_condor.htm Condor 1-AIII]
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