Non violence

Non violence

Non Violence is a bronzesculpture by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, placed at the intersection of Kungsportsavenyn and Engelbrektsgatan in Göteborg, Sweden. The sculpture was donated by Annemarie and Sven-Åke Sjöholm in 1997.

It is also plased outside the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, USA, in Berlin, Germany, on Sergelgatan in Stockholm, Sweden and in Malmö, Sweden.

Located in "The Museum of Sketches" in Lund, Sweden, is a sketch of the firearm where Reuterswärd has written that the grieving after John Lennon was murdered inspired him to design this artwork.

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  • Non-violence —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Non violence (sculpture).  Manifestation non violente contre les essais nucléaires, Paris, 1995 La non violence est une philosophie qui délégitime l …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Non Violence — For the ethical movement, see nonviolence. The sculpture Non Violence placed at Kungsportsavenyn in Göteborg, Sweden. Non Violence[1] is a bronze sculpture by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd of an over sized pistol with …   Wikipedia

  • non-violence — noun (U) political opposition without fighting, shown especially by not obeying laws or orders: Gandhi s policy of non violence and negotiation non violent adjective: non violent protests non violently adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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