Madison Miner Walden

Madison Miner Walden

Madison Miner Walden (October 6, 1836 - July 24, 1891) was a U.S. Representative from Iowa.

Born near Scioto, Brush Creek, Ohio, Walden moved to Iowa in 1852.He attended Denmark Academy, Lee County, Iowa, and Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and was graduated from Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, in 1859.He served in the Union Army as captain in the Sixth Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and the Eighth Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, from May 1861 to May 1865.He taught school. Published the Centerville (Iowa) Citizen 1865-1874.He served as member of the State house of representatives in 1866 and 1867.He served in the State senate in 1868 and 1869. Lieutenant Governor of Iowa in 1870.

Walden was elected as a Republican to the Forty-second Congress (March 4, 1871-March 3, 1873).He was an unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1872.He engaged in agricultural pursuits and coal mining in Centerville, Iowa.He was appointed chief clerk in the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury in 1889 and served until his death in Washington, D.C., July 24, 1891.He was interred in Oakland Cemetery, Centerville, Iowa.


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