Infobox Network
network_name = MAA TV
branding = MAA TV
country = India
network_type = cable television network
slogan = "Mana Andari TV"
available = India, worldwide
launch_date = 2002
founder = Maa Network,Murali Krishna Raju
key_people = Murali Krishna Raju,Nagarjuna Akkineni| website = []

Maa TV is a Telugu language TV Channel based in Hyderabad, India.

It is one of the leading Telugu language TV channels in Andhra Pradesh, India.


Call 505 7337 from Mobile Phones & 1255573 from Landlines. The interactive call code of this channel in Andhrapradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Kerala States gives complete entertainment on Phone.

The managing directors are Murali Krishna Raju & Nagarjuna & Chiranjeevi.

External links

* [ Maa Tv's website]
* []

Channel Owned By Murali Krishna Raju

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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