- Sylvia Ann Hewlett
Sylvia Ann Hewlett (born 1946) [cite web
title =Hewlett, Sylvia Ann
work =Harper's Magazine
url =http://www.harpers.org/subjects/SylviaAnnHewlett
accessdate =2007-12-14 ] is aneconomist , consultant, lecturer, and expert ongender andworkplace issues.A Kennedy Scholar and graduate of
Girton College, Cambridge , [cite web
last =Hunt
first =Pauline
title =Distant voices, sad lives
work =Education Guardian
publisher =Guardian News and Media Limited
date =2002-09-03
url =http://education.guardian.co.uk/gendergap/story/0,7348,784984,00.html
accessdate =2007-12-14 ] Hewlett earned her PhD degree ineconomics at theUniversity of London .Hewlett is the founding President of
the Center for Work-Life Policy , anon-profit organization which seeks to develop policies that enhancework-life balance . She is also Director of the Gender and Public Policy Program at the School of International and Public Affairs,Columbia University . In the 1980s, she was the first woman to head up the Economic Policy Council of theUnited Nations Association -- athink tank comprised of 125 business and labor leaders. She is the author of several books (see Bibliography section). Her articles have appeared in theHarvard Business Review , theNew York Times , theFinancial Times , and theHarvard Business Review . She has taught at Cambridge, Columbia and Princeton Universities and held fellowships at the Institute for Public Policy Research in London and the Center for the Study of Values in Public Life at Harvard. She has appeared on60 Minutes , The Today Show,Good Morning America ,Newshour withJim Lehrer ,Charlie Rose ,Newsnight withAaron Brown ,NBC Nightly News ,Oprah ,The View ,All Things Considered ,Talk of the Nation ,On Point , and has been lampooned onSaturday Night Live .Bibliography
*"When the Bough Breaks: The Cost of Neglecting Our Children" (1991) ISBN 0465091652
*"The War Against Parents" (co-authored with Cornel West) (1998) ISBN 0395891698
*"Creating A Life: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Having a Baby and a Career" (2002) ISBN 1401359302
*"Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success" (2007) ISBN 1422101029Articles
*Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Carolyn Buck Luce, and Cornel West. (2005) "Leadership in Your Midst: Tapping the Hidden Strengths of Minority Executives". DOI: 10.1225/R0511D
*Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Carolyn Buck Luce. (2006) "Extreme Jobs: The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek" (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). DOI: 10.1225/R0612BExternal links
* [http://www.worklifepolicy.org/ Center for Work-Life Policy website]
* [http://www.onpointradio.org/shows/2007/05/20070529_b_main.asp "On Point: Keeping Women at Work"] (aired Tuesday, May 29, 2007 11-12PM ET)
* [http://www.roycecarlton.com/speakers/hewlett_bio.html Sylvia Ann Hewlett biography]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.