Lewis E. Sawyer

Lewis E. Sawyer

Lewis Ernest Sawyer (June 24, 1867 - May 5, 1923) was a U.S. Representative from Arkansas.

Born in Shelby County, Alabama, Sawyer moved with his parents to Lee County, Mississippi.He attended the public schools and was graduated from the University of Mississippi at Oxford.He studied law.He was admitted to the bar and commenced practice at Friars Point, Mississippi, in 1895.He served as mayor of Friars Point from 1896 until he enlisted in the Spanish-American War in June 1898.He served in the Philippine Islands during the war.He resumed the practice of law in Iuka, Mississippi, in 1900.He moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 1908 and continued the practice of his profession.He served as member of the State house of representatives in 1913 and 1915 and was its speaker in the latter year.

Sawyer was elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-eighth Congress and served from March 4, 1923, until his death at Hot Springs, Arkansas, May 5, 1923.He was interred in Hollywood Cemetery.


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