Broken record

Broken record

Broken record may refer to a skipping record repeating itself. See Gramophone record#Vinyl. Or:

* Broken Records, a 1985-early 1990s Christian record label
* Broken Records (band), an Edinburgh based band

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  • broken record — When someone sounds like a broken record, they keep on repeating the same things. ( Stuck record is also used.) …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • broken record — See like a broken record …   English idioms

  • broken record — a scratched record that repeats the same brief passage over and over …   Useful english dictionary

  • broken record —  Annoying, constant repetition …   American business jargon

  • The Broken Record Technique — is a collection of short stories by Canadian author Lee Henderson. It was first published by Penguin Canada in 2002, and contains ten short stories. The tenth story, entitled simply W , is considerably longer than the rest, standing at one… …   Wikipedia

  • (a) broken record — a broken record informal phrase someone who keeps annoying you by repeating the same thing Thesaurus: people who are old fashioned or do not like changehyponym people who are annoying or unpleasantsynonym Main entry: record …   Useful english dictionary

  • like a broken record — repeating the same sound, saying it over and over again    From morning till night I hear that complaint like a broken record! …   English idioms

  • record — rec|ord1 [ rekərd ] noun *** 1. ) count information kept about something that has happened: medical/archaeological/historical records record of: a weekly record of world events keep/maintain/compile a record: Try to keep a record of everything… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • record — I UK [ˈrekɔː(r)d] / US [ˈrekərd] noun Word forms record : singular record plural records *** 1) [countable] information kept about something that has happened medical/archaeological/historical records record of: a weekly record of world events… …   English dictionary

  • Broken Down Heart — was the a song with the dubious distinction of first being on the a side, and then subsequently flipped to the b side of a 45 rpm record by the band The Arrows in 1975. On the other side of this vinyl single record was the first released version… …   Wikipedia

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