

"Calliroe" is an opera by Antonio Sacchini, set to a libretto by Mattia Verazi. It was first performed in Ludwigsburg during the February of 1770.

The opera follows the usual pattern of "opera seria" of the time: "secco" recitative interlaced with "da capo" arias. Within this format Sacchini introduced strong dramatic music to suit the libretto: "stromentato" recitative is also used for extra dramatic effect, and the arias are sometimes interrupted by bursts of recitative. Stylistically, the work is thought to anticipate Italian opera of the following decade, and in particular Mozart's "Il re pastore".


*Marita P. McClymonds: "Calliroe", "Grove Music Online" ed L. Macy (Accessed 03 June 2007), [] , subscription access.

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