Sahiwal cattle

Sahiwal cattle

Sahiwal are a breed of zebu cattle, primarily used in dairy production, from the Sahiwal district of Pakistan, a dry region of Punjab which lies along the Indian-Pakistani border [ [ Oklahoma State University breed profile] ] . They produce the most milk of all zebu breeds, followed by the very similar Red Sindhi and Butana breeds. They were once kept in large herds by professional herdsmen called "Junglies", but with the introduction of irrigation they began to be kept in smaller numbers by the farmers of the region, who used them as draft and dairy animals. They are claimed to be tick-resistant, heat-tolerant and noted for Their high resistance to parasites, both internal and external. The cows average 2,270 kg. of milk during a lactation, while suckling a calf, and much higher milk yields have been recorded. They have been exported to other Asian countries as well as Africa and the Caribbean. As oxen they are generally docile and lethargic, making them more useful for slow work. Their color can range from reddish brown to the more predominant red, with varying amounts of white on the neck, and the underline. In males the color darkens towards the extremities, such as the head, legs and tails. The Sahiwal breed arrived in Australia via New Guinea in the early 1950’s. In Australia, the Sahiwal breed was initially selected as a dual-purpose breed. It played a valuable role in the development of the two Australian tropical dairy breeds, the Australian Milking Zebu and the Australian Friesian Sahiwal. Sahiwal cattle are now predominantly used in Australia for beef production, as crossing high-grade Sahiwal sires with European breeds produced a carcass of lean quality with desirable fat cover. Sahiwal bulls have demonstrated the ability to sire small, fast-growing calves, noted for their hardiness under unfavorable climatic conditions. The cows are the heaviest milkers of all zebu breeds and display a well-developed udder. [Handbook of Australian Livestock, Australian Meat & Livestock Corporation,1989, 3rd Edition ] [Genus Bos; Cattle Breeds of the World, 1985, MSO-AGVET (Merck & Co., Inc.), Rahway, N.J.] [Mason, I.L. 1996. A World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties. Fourth Edition. C.A.B International. 273 pp.] In Pakistan the breed is being conserved by the Research Centre for Conservation of Sahiwal Cattle [ [ Research Centre for Conservation of Sahiwal Cattle] ] .


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