Kreutzer Sonata

Kreutzer Sonata

"Kreutzer Sonata" is the name of several works of art.

* The "Kreutzer Sonata", Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major by Ludwig van Beethoven was originally inscribed "Sonata mulattica composta per il mulatto Brischdauer", in honour of the Polish-West Indian violinist George Bridgetower (1780 - 1860) who first performed it in 1802 at an 8:00 am concert. However, after the performance, while the two were drinking, Bridgetower insulted the morals of a woman who turned out to be Beethoven's friend. Enraged, Beethoven changed the name of the piece to the "Kreutzer Sonata", dedicating it to Rudolphe Kreutzer, considered the finest violinist of the day. However, Kreutzer never performed it, and considered it unplayable.
* "The Kreutzer Sonata", a novella published in 1889 by Leo Tolstoy, using the Beethoven piece as an example of how people can be led astray by their unruly passions.
* String Quartet No. 1 by Leoš Janáček is entitled "Kreutzer Sonata" after Tolstoy's novella (1923).
* Films based on Tostoy's novella, with the same name (others with a different name not included here):
**"The Kreutzer Sonata" (1915) starring Theda Bara
**"Kreutzersonate" (1937) directed by Veit Harlan
**"Kreytserova sonata" (1987) directed by Mikhail Shvejtser.
**A third film was in production as of June 2008, directed by Bernard Rose, starring Anjelica Huston.
* "Sonata", a short story by Scottish poet and novelist Jackie Kay, details a love affair between two women who originally met whilst rehearsing for a performance of the Kreutzer Sonata.
* Di Kreytser sonata (The Kreutzer Sonata), a play by Jacob Gordin, adapted from the Tolstoy novel, 1902.
* Sonata Kreutzer by Mircea Eliadeclarifyme
* Kreutzer Sonata by Margriet De Moor, based very loosely on Tolstoy's novella

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  • Kreutzer Sonata — 1. a sonata for violin and piano (1803, Op. 47) by Ludwig van Beethoven. 2. a string quartet (1924) by Leoš Janácek. * * * …   Universalium

  • Kreutzer Sonata — 1. a sonata for violin and piano (1803, Op. 47) by Ludwig van Beethoven. 2. a string quartet (1924) by Leoš Janácek …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Kreutzer Sonata — is a novella by Leo Tolstoy, published in 1889 and promptly censored by the Russian authorities. The work is an argument for the ideal of sexual abstinence and an in depth first person description of jealous rage. The main character, Pozdnyshev,… …   Wikipedia

  • The Kreutzer Sonata (film) — Infobox Film name = The Kreutzer Sonata image size = caption = director = Herbert Brenon producer = writer = Herbert Brenon Jacob Gordin narrator = starring = Nance O Neil Theda Bara music = cinematography = Phil Rosen editing = distributor =… …   Wikipedia

  • Kreutzer — may refer to:People named Kreutzer*Conradin Kreutzer a German classical composer and conductor *Leonid Kreutzer a German classical pianist *Idar Kreutzer a Norwegian CEO *Rodolphe Kreutzer a French classical violinist and composer *William… …   Wikipedia

  • Kreutzer, Rodolphe — ▪ French composer born Nov. 16, 1766, Versailles, France died Jan. 6, 1831, Geneva, Switz.       composer and violinist, one of the founders of the French school of violin playing, and one of the foremost improvisers and conductors of his day.… …   Universalium

  • Sonata — (From Latin and Italian sonare , to sound ), in music, literally means a piece played as opposed to a cantata (Latin and Italian cantare , to sing ), a piece sung . The term, being vague, naturally evolved through the history of music,… …   Wikipedia

  • Kreutzer — (izg. kròjcer) DEFINICIJA 1. Konrad (1780 1849), njemački skladatelj romantične vokalne glazbe 2. Rodolphe (1766 1831), francuski violinist i skladatelj sonata, etida za violinu i violinskih koncerata; Beethoven mu posvetio svoju Kreutzerovu… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Sonata para violín n.º 9 (Beethoven) — Frontispicio de la Sonata a Kreutzer de Beethoven (1803). La Sonata para violín y piano n.º 9 en la mayor, comúnmente conocida como la Sonata a Kreutzer, fue compuesta por Ludwig van Beethoven y publicada como su Opus 47 en 1802. Es notable por… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sonata Kreutzer — El título Sonata Kreutzer puede referirse a varias obras literarias y musicales: Música Sonata para violín n.º 9 Kreutzer, composición musical de Ludwig van Beethoven. Cuarteto n.º 1 de Janáček, inspirado en la obra de León Tolstoi. Literatura La …   Wikipedia Español

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