ac|cel|er|at|ed depreciation — «ak SEHL uh RAY tihd», Accounting. the charging of depreciation of assets such as machinery and buildings at a rate faster than the normal rate … Useful english dictionary
ac|cel|er|at|ed|ly — «ak SEHL uh RAY tihd lee», adverb. at a faster rate; with increasing speed … Useful english dictionary
ac|cel|er|a|tion — «ak SEHL uh RAY shuhn», noun. 1. an accelerating; speeding up or hastening: »Turning on more power causes the acceleration of a train. Acceleration of tooth decay is caused by lack of care. 2. increased speed: »No, sir; you cannot conceive with… … Useful english dictionary
ac|cel|er|a|tive — «ak SEHL uh RAY tihv», adjective. tending to accelerate; quickening … Useful english dictionary
ac|cel|er|a|tor — «ak SEHL uh RAY tuhr», noun. the thing that causes an increase in the speed of anything: a) the pedal or lever that controls the speed of a motor vehicle by regulating the flow of fuel to the engine. b) Nuclear Physics. a particle accelerator. c) … Useful english dictionary
de|cel|er|a|tion — «dee SEHL uh RAY shuhn», noun. the act of decelerating; decrease in velocity; negative acceleration: »Highway surfaces become polished and slippery in places where traffic is heavy, where acceleration or deceleration is great, and at curves… … Useful english dictionary
de|cel|er|a|tor — «dee SEHL uh RAY tuhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that decelerates. 2. a device for reducing the speed of an engine: »the decelerator which automatically throttles the engine whenever the clutch is disengaged (Westminster Gazette) … Useful english dictionary
Dr. Brown's — is a brand of soft drink made by Canada Dry[1], which in turn is owned by Dr Pepper Snapple Group. It is a popular brand in the New York City region and in South Florida, but it can also be found in Jewish delicatessens and upscale supermarkets… … Wikipedia
The Pothole — Infobox Television episode Title = The Pothole Series = Seinfeld Caption = Elaine watches as Jerry madly disinfects his apartment. Season = 8 Episode = 150 Airdate = February 20, 1997 Production = Writer = Steve O Donnell Dan O Keefe Director =… … Wikipedia
Enchanted (film) — Enchanted Promo poster artwork by John Alvin Directed by Kevin Lima Produced by … Wikipedia